All I KNow
A long time back
jagged amulets at my hip
locked out gallant lousiness
looming cliffs of litter
leagues of flaking paint
roaring whitewater receipts
circus of circuits handheld
sizzle-hiss erosion
double beef patty briefcase
rats tunnel through tonnage
Please pick up after your slog:
a day’s messy hand-to-hand.
. . .
Lying on the lawn
where I learned to walk
green lap gives, fungus blooms
wise worms whisper
the point of money while organs
answer tiny brutalities.
Never still, no protection
frictions fraction, keys unpin
steel, I’ve never cared
what wills the milling, manuscripts
disagree all I know are strokes
for a password, rapidfire guesswork
lashing the palisade like tall grasses at ankles
running from, catching up. Here, on the brink
I’ve spotted my wonder
holding what’s alive from the sea,
tending a growing thing, opening letters,
hand over headline
AmberGris (Strange Whale Puke, Floating Gold)
Began as clerical error, bony prick
of shellfish swallowed like day
into whale belly ocean.
Acute, vanishing,
nothing drastic was done.
Inside sunken shadow
bile buffed and balled a waxy chimera—
part sea glass, part salami.
. . .
I found a lump freshly burped
from the surf like prophet
battered, resisting the tide. Immediately
I performed an assessment of quality:
Fragrant sacrament of old church
when licked with the lighter.
A putrid pearl holding
the weight of the watery world.
Nothing fancy ever came
from the gut of a cetacean but this
enduring indifference, lolling
until spit into manmade elixirs.
CalL Me Back
I recognized you
in a bowl of peaches
as water washed them,
swelling sweetness
then, a breath of you
swished branches,
whistled through the window
stirring curtains.
Was it really you? Calling me back
to the gristly vineyard, fruit-stained
knees, mischievous mess,
drunk on wine in air...
Silver silos of your prizes
mirror every angle of the sun
bouncing warmth back to my blood
before my heart can.
Thin filets firm-white, packed ice
Somewhere a dinghy putters
stirring up black water
where I first caught flounder.
Gramma prepares the station:
a cutting board between two armrests
in the marina—
a slimy writhing slab. I panic
fish spasms thump thump
on salted pier.
Papa unhooks it letting the flounder
flounder in 3 gallons of brine
gills clamped
lost eye on its side. Wide
gaze, chin
barely past the board, Papa’s sausage
fingers running
over the stainless steel library
of little knives.
WOODEN coaster
chattering thru forest: spiralling squirrel
dodging trees, toothpicks spark
prick my cheeks, fear festers
in my fun. gentle tug
on the lap belt (we both
signed up for this) my eyes pry
to focus on what's still
familiar, but can't stop
squinting, protecting
grapes in my skull, rattling
anthropology of origins, 10AM
Paleolithic cave carvings projected
onto postmodern cave wall,
laser pointer spear cast
mesolithic mantras.
In Laetoli, Tanzania, two hominids stride
across ashen landscape after volcanic
explosion. The hairy couple, astonished
by barrenness, holding
one another, shivering. Could the limp
in the smaller ancestor’s step be the weight
of her child clinging
at the hip? Threepointsix million years
buries disaster. Fossil
in silt speculate fire-hardened clay.
Kebara, Israel throat bone artic-
ulation for archaic language,
first ribbons of babble.
Peek under green crust, petrified
love, fear, anger—stronger then,
It was all they had.
I spread your bind
blank unknowing
future daughter; future son--
standing on giants
spitting my words at their feet.
I will be data.
like the five rivers
of Hades, my code flows.
I will put slight marks, ambiguous and everywhere
to confuse its edits.
So sorry, language is not like glass–
lineage cannot pass or shatter
You are my flesh and blood, my fleshnblood
white flesh, black blood —
roll down.
What does it say about us:
we make uncomfortable chairs
we gift wrap.
What genius invented the word
poop or boob? We all decided
they were good words.
Everyone loves to talk about the urinal
Watch that shadow touch its thigh
then melt itself over boulders.
HURRY UP, PLEASE! It’s time.
They talk down to me, the dinner guests.
I lash out my readymade responses:
So happy; the food; work.
I saw the wealth on your wrist and forgot what
I was talking about.